QLD Government - Roadtek

Oakdare have been engaged with Roadtek for over 10 years, both short term immediate action engagements and also long term infrastructure contracts.
In the past 12 months our range of engagements include road upgrades on the Belyando road which included stockpiling gravel roadside and load and cart direct to the road profiler.
Other recent projects have included supply of a water cart to various projects around Townsville and as far as Greenvale and Charters Towers.
Our most recent projects include:
Supply of 3 road trains to the Gregory Development Road upgrade and widening south of Greenvale, carting excavated material away to Marble Creek stockpile. The project will include cartage of gravel to the road for the widening over the next 18 months.
Supply of a Quad roadtrain stockpiling gravel at the Mingala rest area in addition to a truck and dog carting on site supplying gravel to a grader and carting away excavated material.