Townsville Ring Road (Stage 5)

After hauling in approximately 1,180,000 tonne of product, plus on site works our transport contract with Georgiou on the Townsville Ring Road (Stage 5)project has been completed.
We are pleased to report that 100% local north Queensland contractors were used for the transport of quarry products within out scope on this project, with the vast majority based between Tully and Ayr. We would like to thank our local sub-contracted haulage providers for their efforts on this project.
With up to 20 trucks on site daily at the peak of the project we tailored our reporting and to ensure that each and every load was classified to their correct site destinations to ensure our payment claims were approved on time, every time, along with our payments to our sub-contractors.
Key Project Details:
4 Quarry Loadout Origins
8 Site Destinations
Combination of Hourly Hire and Tonnage Based Charges
2 Year Duration
Oakdare have been successful in obtaining the subcontract to haul quarry products from local providers to the Townsville Ring Road (Stage 5) upgrade. As a locally owned and run business, this is a great achievement for our company and our community. We would like to invite any local Townsville HC and MC drivers to continue to monitor our website and facebook for job availabilities. In addition to drivers, we also have positions available for administration and labouring duties at our new purpose built facility. We look forward to working with the Georgiou Group to deliver this project.